Meshery Adapter for Consul

Service Mesh Adapter Status Adapter Version Earliest Supported Mesh Version
Consul stable v0.5.2 v1.8.4

Interactive Lab for Meshery Adapter for Consul

Try Meshery using a real environment right in your browser with an interactive lab. The interactive labs help you get started and learn how to run Meshery and Consul in production.

Lifecycle management

The Meshery Adapter for Consul can install v1.8.4 of the Consul service mesh.

Install Consul

Choose the Meshery Adapter for Consul

Click on (+) and choose the v1.8.4 of the Consul service mesh.

A number of sample applications for Consul can also be installed using Meshery.


  1. Lifecycle management of Consul
  2. Lifecycle management of sample applications
  3. Performance management of Consul and it workloads
    • Prometheus and Grafana integration
  4. Configuration management and best practices of Consul
  5. Custom service mesh configuration

Sample Applications

Meshery supports the deployment of a variety of sample applications on Meshery Adapter for Consul. Use Meshery to deploy any of these sample applications.

  • httpbin
    • Httpbin is a simple HTTP request and response service.
  • Bookinfo
    • The sample BookInfo application displays information about a book, similar to a single catalog entry of an online book store.
  • Image Hub
    • Image Hub is a sample application written to run on Consul for exploring WebAssembly modules used as Envoy filters.

Layer5 Image Hub on HashiCorp Consul

Performance management of Consul and it workloads

Prometheus and Grafana integration

The Meshery Adapter for Consul will connect to Meshery Adapter for Consul’s Prometheus and Grafana instances running in the control plane (typically found in a separate namespace) or other instances to which Meshery has network reachability.


Consul Service Mesh Architecture

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