Meshery Adapter for Tanzu Service Mesh

Service Mesh Adapter Status Adapter Version Earliest Supported Mesh Version
Tanzu Service Mesh alpha pre-GA


  1. Tanzu Service Mesh Lifecycle Management
  2. Workload Lifecycle Management
    1. Using Service Mesh Standards
      1. Service Mesh Performance (SMP)
        1. Prometheus and Grafana connections
      2. Service Mesh Interface (SMI)
  3. Configuration Analysis, Patterns, and Best Practices
    1. Custom Service Mesh Configuration

Lifecycle management

The Meshery Adapter for Tanzu Service Mesh can install pre-GA of Tanzu Service Mesh service mesh. A number of sample applications for Tanzu Service Mesh can also be installed using Meshery.

The Meshery Adapter for Tanzu Service Mesh is currently under construction (alpha state), which means that the adapter is not functional and cannot be interacted with through the Meshery UI at the moment. Check back here to see updates.

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Workload Management

The Meshery Adapter for Meshery Adapter for Tanzu Service Mesh includes some sample applications operations. Meshery can be used to deploy any of these sample applications.

  • BookInfo
    • This application is a polyglot composition of microservices are written in different languages and sample BookInfo application displays information about a book, similar to a single catalog entry of an online book store.
  • httpbin
    • This is a simple HTTP Request & Response Service.
  • hipster
    • Hipster Shop Application is a web-based, e-commerce demo application from the Google Cloud Platform.

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