Troubleshooting Meshery Installations

Meshery’s Preflight Checks

Anytime a mesheryctl system command is executed, a series of preflight checks are run. An attempt will be made to connect to the Kubernetes cluster configured in the user’s kubeconfig as their current-context .

  1. Check whether mesheryctl can initialize a Kubernetes client.

    Situation: mesheryctl fails to query for pods in the default namespace of the user’s current Kubernetes context.

  2. Remove ~/.meshery to reinitialize Meshery

    Situation: Unable to start Meshery Server with make run-local due to error of key/value size is invalid

Meshery Operator

Meshery Broker

Example of a healthy Meshery Broker server with an actively connected (subscribed) Meshery Server:

➜  ~ kubectl logs -n meshery meshery-broker-0 nats
[8] 2021/09/08 21:46:03.070952 [INF] Starting nats-server version 2.1.9
[8] 2021/09/08 21:46:03.070982 [INF] Git commit [7c76626]
[8] 2021/09/08 21:46:03.071308 [INF] Starting http monitor on
[8] 2021/09/08 21:46:03.071370 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[8] 2021/09/08 21:46:03.071512 [INF] Server id is NAAYJNX4LDDNXW5UE7IP7PRQR2W2JP546XSFNUWQQHN7JYY27RG47KSG
[8] 2021/09/08 21:46:03.071516 [INF] Server is ready

For details about the state of the Meshery Server subscription see the http monitor port on Meshery Broker.

See Also

Meshery Remote Providers

Once Meshery is installed, the remote provider “Meshery” can be chosen from UI or by using the command mesheryctl system login:


➜  ~ mesheryctl system login
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Select a Provider:
  ▸ Meshery

If you cannot see “Meshery” Remote Provider and find such error logs in Meshery Server’s logs (mesheryctl system logs), please make sure that Meshery Server is able to reach “” in order to initialize the “Meshery” Remote Provider.

time="2021-11-10T11:05:30Z" level=error msg="[Initialize Provider]: Failed to get capabilities Get \"\": dial tcp i/o timeout"

For more details about Meshery Providers: